Making Edrums Better
One of the things we really want to work on here is making edrums better. Whether it be to give feedback to manufacturers, review products, or just offer something really cool and unique. We want to make edrummers lives better by existing. Speaking of that, we are a new company but I have been selling edrums of most brands since the 90's at two other companies. I was consistently sought out for my advice on kits to buy, hardware to choose, and deals to be had. Nothing will change here but a razor sharp focus on all things related to electronic drums. Edrums became my passion for the past several years. I find it hard to believe that there are people out there that still don't see the benefits of electronic drums and I'm here to convert those folks and sell them on the benefits of controlling your volume, having variety at your fingertips, and practicing whenever the heck you want. Lets make some beats.